What are the most common physical injuries after a serious car accident? Doctors might say burns, spine injuries, concussions, headaches, bone fractures, tissue and joint damage, ringing in the ears. A mental health professional might add anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, irritability, paranoia, disordered sleeping, and PTSD.
If you or someone close to you has ever been hit by a car, then you know about the toll it takes. You may have missed work, or lost a chance for promotion, or even lost your job altogether. You may have insurance and medical bills, in addition to miscellaneous costs like paying for transportation to the hospital or outside-insurance fees. You may have long term disability, disfiguration, or pain. You may need physical therapy or even trauma therapy. Someone else’s negligence has cost you dearly.
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You may think the bigger person would walk away from it all, put your head down and take what life dishes out. But is that really the most responsible thing you can do? What about your loved ones who also have to share the financial load? What about the work they miss to take you to medical appointments, to install a ramp to the front door, or install safety handles in the shower? What about their anguish and sleepless nights as they see your pain and suffering, or try to adjust to a new normal? What about their grief and sense of loss? And, even more, what about the next innocent victim who comes along and experiences a similar accident because a negligent driver was never confronted, a faulty vehicle never repaired, or an unsafe road was never brought up to code?
Hiring a personal injury lawyer will bring you peace of mind after a car accident.
Car accidents cause an immeasurable amount of financial and emotional upheaval. A personal injury lawyer can serve as a calm and objective advocate, filing the paperwork with the insurance company, dismissing frivolous counterclaims, and meeting court deadlines and protocols. Your lawyer will be your professional spokesperson to deal with a situation that is deeply emotional and personal to you.
A personal injury lawyer works to deliver fair compensation for your injury. Your lawyer’s job is not to provoke a fight or use legalese to manipulate anyone out of their money; your lawyer will use her or his knowledge of the legal and medical systems to make comprehensive lists of all your costs, including some you might not have thought about.
Your lawyer knows how to calculate future expenses and determine what kinds of documentation should be kept. Without a good personal injury lawyer, you might find yourself settling faster than necessary or for less than the amount you need to cover your costs. A lawyer knows how to determine the extent of an injury, including the potential for future pain and suffering and all associated costs.
Your lawyer knows how to deal with big insurance companies.
Most personal injury claims are not paid out in cash from one individual to another. The vast majority of compensation comes from one insurance company to another insurance company or from one insurance company to an injured individual. Insurance companies will do all they can to avoid paying out cash, sometimes lowballing plaintiffs or using delaying strategies.
Your personal injury lawyer will spend her or his time communicating with insurance companies and their representatives, creating legal records documenting your case, and filing necessary paperwork at court. Insurance companies deal with hundreds or even thousands of claims at a time; they are not designed to listen to your case, act in your best interest, become acquainted with you as a person, or think about your unique situation. Your lawyer, however, will do all of these things.
Injuries don’t just affect you.
Accidents are – by definition – avoidable, but none of us gets through life without experiencing them. Accidents affect you, your immediate physical and emotional health, and your long-term physical and emotional health. Your injuries also affect the people who are close to you.
Your injuries may affect your immediate earnings and your lifetime earnings as well. Your medical costs affect the entire family. Your elderly parents, your partner, and your kids are connected to your financial and emotional wellbeing. In some families, your influence extends wider, to extended family, foster children, or other people who are part of your caregiving network. Your injuries don’t just affect you. Your loved ones will deal with these consequences right alongside you.
Your accident may also affect people you don’t know at all and will never know. When negligence has caused an accident, and the negligence is not confronted, then there is another innocent person waiting in line to receive similar injuries from a similar situation.
Skilled Las Vegas auto accident lawyers stand ready to help you if you have been injured in a car wreck—or in some other way. Whether you need a dog bite injury attorney in Henderson or traumatic brain injury attorney in Summerlin, call on a professional with the experience and skill to take the stress out of your legal journey and ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.
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