Understanding Personal Injury Law before hiring a lawyer in Las Vegas
Finding a Las Vegas injury lawyer can be tough. Understanding whether you need a personal injury lawyer can be even more confusing. Understanding personal injury law and what your rights are is a key part of finding a Las Vegas injury lawyer that you can trust to get you the results you want and need.
Before you retain a Las Vegas injury attorney, it’s important to understand some of the principles and terms we’ll use when discussing your case. Here are a few of the most basic personal injury law terms:
Contingency: A contingency means that your attorney will work for you with the agreement that his fee will be paid from the settlement of your case. That means that if you receive no settlement or award, your attorney will not receive payment.
Liability insurance: This type of insurance covers the financial repercussions of an accident or injury that is caused by the negligence of another party. That means that if you’re in an auto accident and the other party was at fault, you can make a claim against that party’s liability insurance to cover injuries and damages.
Negligence: The idea of negligence is something your Las Vegas injury lawyer can help you understand. Negligence essentially means that a party has failed to exercise reasonably acceptable care within the circumstances. Negligence is usually due to carelessness, rather than harmful intent.
Settlement: Your settlement is an agreement between parties that essentially closes the lawsuit. Settlements are compromises, and generally both parties modify their initial demands in order to settle the suit. An important note is that a settlement is not considered an admission of guilt.
Subpoena: A subpoena is a legal command to appear in court or offer testimony regarding the case in question. Ignoring a subpoena can result in imprisonment.
Your Las Vegas Injury Lawyer Has Advice You Can Trust
If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, at work or during the course of medical treatment, we can help you understand your rights. Give us a call today to speak with a Las Vegas injury lawyer you can trust.