There is no exception to the maxim “honesty is the best policy.” When it comes to representing yourself to your personal injury lawyer, it’s always best to tell the full truth. Remember that your conversations with your attorney will be kept confidential because they are protected by attorney-client privilege.
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As you share your story with your attorney, steer clear of these mistakes:
1. Omitting critical information. This can be especially harmful in relation to your medical history. Be as specific as you can in conveying your history to your attorney. If you aren’t sure if something applies to your case, share it anyway. Your attorney would rather have too much information than too little.
2. Withholding unflattering information. Some people leave out details that they may perceive as unfavorable or embarrassing. Remember, though, that if negative details emerge for the first time while you are in court, your attorney may be caught off guard and your case could suffer. On the other hand, if you share this information with your lawyer in advance, he or she can present it in the best possible light and minimize any negative impact.
3. Forgetting facts. Some people forget specific details surrounding their accident or they recall them incorrectly. Do your best to convey as much as you can accurately remember, but don’t be tempted to veer from the facts if your memory on the subject is foggy.
4. Exaggeration. Some clients overstate their injuries. They may portray bad back pain as “unbearable” or exaggerate their range of motion limitations. This can come back to bite them in the end, undermining their credibility and hurting their case.
Keep your Case Confidential
Just as you expect your attorney to honor your privacy, make sure that you are cautious about sharing the details of your case with others. In general, it’s best to avoid discussing your personal injury lawsuit with others. Insurance companies may try to use your communications against you.
Finally, be wary of social media and images that may be misconstrued by others. For example, if you have sustained a back injury and post pictures of your family at an amusement park, your post could be taken out of context. People may think that you are enjoying the rides yourself and that your injuries are not as bad as you have presented them to be.
In the wake of a personal injury, you need adequate financial protection to recover fully from your physical injuries and property damages. One of the best ways to achieve this is to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to your attorney.