Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers News & Updates
How do I know if I have a valid dog bite case?
Most dog encounters range from friendly to unremarkable. However, accidents happen, and people get hurt when a dog suddenly feels threatened and...
7 Facts about Burn that Paramedics Wish Everyone Knew
Most of us would like to avoid the topic of burns altogether, but learning about them can help mitigate their effects should an emergency occur....
The Good Samaritan Law in the #MeToo Era: Women Aren’t Getting as Much CPR As Men, And It’s Costing Them Their Lives
A woman was filling up her car with gas at a gas station around midnight on the city's outskirts. The only other customer, a man in his 50s, heard a...
What are the most common forms of nursing home negligence?
When placing a loved one in a nursing home, you hope they will receive the love you would show them yourself. All nursing homes are not created...
What You Hope Your Lawyer Knows about TBI
Americans are increasingly aware of the dangers of TBI (traumatic brain injury) associated with impact sports such as football, soccer, and hockey....
Do Dog Attacks Cause PTSD in Children?
Imagine yourself in your 7-year-old body. At this age, you might have just been learning to ride a bike and attending the 2nd grade. It’s likely...
If safety is my main concern, what factors should I look for when buying a car?
You are buying your first car since junior was born and for once in your life, you’re more concerned about the location and quality of the airbags...
Initiating a Personal Injury Lawsuit? How the Defense will Fight Back
When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you can expect to hear the defense raise these common arguments to limit or reject your claim....
Injured at the Gym? The Next Steps
The Stories Does either of these injured people deserve monetary compensation from the gym's insurance policy? • Joseph, age 60 Joseph didn't...
Can my social media posts impact my personal injury claim?
Insurance companies know how to do their homework in personal injury cases. They will scrutinize every part of your life that is public. Keep...
Workers’ Compensation and Mental Health: PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression
Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault insurance program in Nevada that provides benefits to employees and protects employers. Workers’ Compensation...
How do you communicate with your teens about the dangers of driving under the influence?
Car crashes are the second leading cause of death for teen drivers and a quarter of those crashes involve an underage drinking driver. With those...