According to the most recent report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2015-2016), 88,000 motorcyclists were injured in a year. In addition, motorcyclists accounted for 14 percent of all traffic fatalities.
(Pixabay / Free-Photos)
These accidents are rarely the fault of the motorcycle driver. Because of their small size in relation to cars and trucks, motorcycles are often hit, bumped, or edged off the road by other drivers. Motorcycle accidents can result in anything from broken bones to traumatic brain injury. If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of others, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, disability, missed wages, diminished earning potential, emotional trauma, property damage, and more.
Remember that your case will likely be countered by an insurance company that wants to downplay your injuries and pay you as little as possible. In order to get all of the benefits that you are eligible for, you must provide credible evidence. Here are some tips for building a strong personal injury case:
- Ask for a copy of the police report. A police officer should be called to the scene of the crash immediately. They should document the time of the crash, weather conditions, and names of witnesses. A copy of the report should be available within a few days. Consult an accident injury attorney in the Las Vegas area if you have trouble getting a copy of the report.
- Take pictures. If you have been injured in an accident, you probably won’t be in a position to snap photos of the scene. Photos are invaluable, however, for conveying the severity of the accident. If a friend or family member is present and can take photos or video, you can use these images to help fortify your case.
- Gather eyewitness statements. Written or recorded statements from witnesses can piece together the details of the accident.
- Get prompt medical treatment. Even if you think your injuries are minor and might heal on their own, it’s important to see a physician. Explain any symptoms that you may be experiencing. Make sure to include mental symptoms as well, including anxiety or depression that may have developed after the accident. Attend all follow-up visits and communicate any changes in your health status to your physician.
- Keep a journal. Keep a daily log of any details related to your motorcycle accident. Start by describing everything that you can remember about the accident itself. Then, record your symptoms (both physical and mental). Log how they change on a daily basis. Note any other changes that may occur in your life as a result of the accident, including limited ability to concentrate, work, interact with your family, etc.
- Log expenses. Write down any expenses that you may incur as a result of your medical treatment, including doctors’ charges as well as travel costs (gas, food, etc.) to and from clinics. Keep receipts, bills, and any other documents to substantiate your claims.
You can build a better personal injury case if you enlist the help of a skilled motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. After the accident occurs, you will likely be overwrought by the trauma of the event, but experienced lawyers can come to the scene quickly and gather critical evidence and statements from witnesses. At Tingey Injury Law Firm, we have many years of experience dealing with motorcycle accidents in the Las Vegas area. We know exactly how to help you build the most convincing case possible. We can get you the compensation that you deserve while keeping you comfortable in the process so that you can focus on healing.