Fireworks Liability Can Be Costly
The Fourth of July is one in which many people like to set off fireworks and have fun grilling outdoors. But that kind of fun can come at a heavy price if something goes wrong and one or more people are injured or worse or property is damaged. Firecrackers, bottle rockets, Roman candles and similar fireworks are illegal in Nevada and for good reason. Many people improperly handle them and wind up causing injuries or property damage. In the worst of cases, someone is hospitalized or might even die from injuries. Large mortar shells in particular can be deadly if they are not handled properly. And that can raise a lot of liability issues for those involved in the activities.
Injuries Can Lead to Serious Consequences
If someone is injured while shooting off fireworks, those who set off the fireworks could be held liable in a court of law for their actions. A death might result in potential homicide or negligent death charges. Injuries also could draw criminal charges, and in either case, a civil suit is highly likely. People are responsible for their actions, and whether or not they break the law, negligence when setting off fireworks is punishable in civil as well as criminal courts. And even just the legal defense can be costly.
Fires Can Be Deadly and Destructive
One of the greatest causes of damage when using fireworks is from fires that might be sparked. Particularly in a desert during the summer when plants and trees often times are dried out and subject to catching fire, recklessly setting off fireworks could spark a wildfire and large liability issues as well as criminal. Especially if out camping or visiting an area where there are fire bans, even using fireworks in such situations at the very least brings criminal charges, even if using legal fireworks, such as sparklers. Use of any kind of firework requires a great deal of caution to stave off potential harm to others as well as liability issues.
Do you or your family members like to set off fireworks during the Fourth of July?