You might assume that because truck drivers are higher off the ground, they can see the road better. While truckers do have the luxury of a better forward vantage point and bigger mirrors, they have massive blind spots in which your car can get lost.

(Pixabay / StockSnap)
Truckers have blind spots in front of and behind their rigs and along each side (particularly the right side). The spots are called “no zones.” Unfortunately, many people don’t understand truck drivers’ visibility restrictions and drive too close for comfort.
Here are some tips for staying out of truckers’ “no zones”:
- Check their mirrors. If you can’t see the truck driver’s reflection in his or her side mirror, they can’t see you.
- Don’t follow too closely. If you are driving behind a truck, leave a minimum distance of 30 feet (or two car lengths). Tailgating a truck is dangerous because you can’t see what’s going on in front of them. If they have to stop quickly and you’re hugging their bumper, you could cause an accident.
- Don’t pass on the right. Truckers’ blind spots are especially big on the right side of the car. If you want to pass a truck, pass on the left side, and do it quickly. Lingering in a trucker’s blind spot for too long while working up the speed to pass could result in an accident.
- Don’t cut in front of truckers. When you move in front of a trucker, give an allowance of two car lengths and pick up speed quickly. If you cut right in front of a truck driver and then slow down or stop suddenly, they may not be able to engage their brakes in time.
- Watch for signals. If a driver indicates that they will be turning or changing lanes, stay out of their blind spot and let them make their move. Be mindful that they may need to swing into an additional lane to make their turn and give them room. If you see a trucker’s brake lights come on, start slowing down and proceed with caution.
- Use your blinkers. Make sure that you always signal your intentions to truck drivers by activating your blinkers well in advance of your actions.
- Be patient. If a truck is moving a little too slowly for your liking, remember that it is far more difficult to manage a large, heavy truck than a car. Don’t honk needlessly or weave in and out of traffic recklessly to get around them. Give them time and space to get where they need to go.
You can’t prevent all automobile accidents, but if you are cautious and courteous on the roads, you can lower your risks significantly. If you have been hurt in a car or truck accident, contact an auto accident injury lawyer in Las Vegas so that you can receive compensation for your injuries and focus on healing.